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We're talented!
We need to help #teachtheweb.

FITC Amsterdam 2014

photo via MozEU

I'm Laura Hilliger. I work at Mozilla to help a global community of lifelong learners build & teach the web.

Questions? @epilepticrabbit, #teachtheweb
Want more?

I wasn't supposed to be working...

prepubescent Laura = 30 year old surf instructor in Hawaii?

I remixed Bucky1105's image

I taught people how to make things

IRL and Online

Learning, Freedom and the Web

design by Chris Appleton

Mozilla - they make Firefox, right?

Yes, we make Firefox, but...

is a mission driven, non-profit organization.

Mozilla's mission is to promote openness, innovation and opportunity on the web.
- The Mozilla Mission

Learning, Freedom and the Web

design by Chris Appleton

is a community of people united by a common purpose – to build the Internet society needs. We think we need an Internet that is open, so we can make and do more.

Humans need connection.

image by David Boswell

image by David Boswell

The Web is an ecosystem of knowledge.

The Opte Project

Structural Crisis

the age between ages

Digital Native

a myth, most people aren't great with technology

Copyright ©2014 Rolling Stone; fair use, thanks.

29% Adults 18 - 50

How do we solve global problems,

if we can't communicate with each other?

Individuals must have the ability to shape their own experiences on the Internet

culture + mechanics = citizenship

  1. People who love the web ...
  2. Take action ...
  3. To teach other people to about the web.

Look under the hood

with the XRay Goggles

Learn to write

with Thimble

Redefining Video

with Popcorn

Open Educational Resources

Teaching Kits

photo by Doug Belshaw


Spreading a Movement

Mozilla believes that we can all spread Web Literacies by learning and making together. That's why we run in-person trainings and events like the Mozilla Festival.

Understanding the Web is a part of being educated.

the digital world is GIGANTIC

and Mozilla is rather small.

But Mozillians are passionate, and passion can lead to a better world.

one more thing...

one more thing...

YOU can help by sharing webmaking.

We are Mozilla

Doing good is part of our code

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