Our Learning Offering

Teach Like Mozilla has several overarching themes for you to explore. Those topics are located at the top of the page, and include several modules to help you take your learning deeper. Each module starts with a brief overview of the concepts you should think about, and ends with a suggested activity for you to make something or explore a particular idea further. Start with the topic that interests you most and feel free to skip around!

Don't forget, you're not alone. There's a community of lifelong learners in our discussion forum.

The Topics

Exploring Pedagogies

Learn about the theoretical frameworks and pedagogies (teaching methods) the Mozilla community uses. This module also helps you understand the web as an ecosystem and why an open web is so important.

Participatory Learning

Put theory into practice. In this module, you'll learn how to use open and participatory learning techniques to teach digital and web literacy skills in your classroom, during workshops or at events. You'll be encouraged to develop open educational resources that embed web literacy and making with other topics that you might already be teaching.

Working Openly

Using open practices, you'll make resources and materials that are designed for others to use and remix. This module will help you understand why working openly is an important method in the advancement of the web, education and just about any other endeavor.

Local Action

Learn how to organize and mobilize learners to start taking action in their communities.

Global Communities

Amplify your work by making connections in your local community as well as within Webmaker's global community. In this module, you'll learn how building relationships can help you achieve greater impact.

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