
Girls need and deserve to see themselves as technology producers with unique passions and skills that can transfer between platforms, makes and careers. This kit will support girls aged 10-17 in critical reflection on the intersections between gender, culture, technology and identity while building their webmaking skills and confidence.

Learning objectives

Participants will learn:

  • That there are multiple entry points to technology careers, and they can use their own passions and interests as a guide.
  • How to deconstruct gender stereotypes and counter them with content that reflects their own unique version of girlhood.
  • That webmaking is a valuable, transferable skill with relevance to a wide variety of careers and hobbies (not just in the tech industry).
  • How to use their webmaking skills as an avenue for creative expression and making a difference.

What you'll make together

Participants will hack an existing website using X-Ray Goggles, create a video using Popcorn Maker, remix a Thimble website with their own photos, and build a simple webpage using Thimble.


Make sure that your computers are set up with a modern web browser. The X-Ray Goggles are easy to install, but to save yourself a few minutes during your event or class, you can prep the computers by preinstalling the Goggles. You may also wish to ask participants to set up their own Webmaker profiles (obtain parental permission if applicable) to keep all their makes in one place .

Assessment and review

After completing the activities, consider the following questions as a group:
  • What did you learn about webmaking that makes it more interesting or appealing?
  • What would you say to someone who tells you that girls and tech don't mix?
  • Who are some women who inspire you as a webmaker and technologist?
  • What are your biggest passions and how can webmaking support and enrich those passions?
  • How confident do you feel about your skills as a webmaker? What steps could you take to further build that confidence?

Assessment criteria

How well did the learner show their ability to:
  • Use the Webmaker suite to remix content found on the web.
  • Share her makes with peers and articulate her learning processes.
  • Critically analyze and challenge gender stereotypes as they relate to technology.
  • Name more than one career or hobby to which webmaking skills apply.
  • Imagine a future for herself as a webmaker.