Steps for the Activity

  1. Have participants pair up with someone they don't know.

  2. Prompt them to teach something on the web:

    • One person choose a site, service, app, gif generator that you like and teach the other person how to use it.
    • The second person should pretend like they've never heard of it, and you can play the "novice" part however you wish. Want to pretend like you don't know what the web is, go ahead! Ask questions.
    • After 15 minutes, we'll switch roles.
  3. Have learners reflect on both roles

    Give learners 10 minutes to write down simple phrases and reflections on post it notes.

    • What surprised you about how your partner taught you?
    • What surprised you about how your partner acted as a learner?

    Be sure to note that the post it's should be brief!


  • Pens
  • Post-its
  • Computer
  • Web Access


Have learners circle up to talk about the activity. Tell participants that as people read their reflections, they should crumple and throw their post it if they had written down a similar reflection. Pay attention to how long it takes for all the post its to land in the middle of the circle.

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