Steps for the Activity

  1. Break into groups and have each group draw an object. Then have each group pass the drawing to a different group. The new group draws a related object, folds the paper so that the first object can no longer be seen, then passes the drawings on. Have groups draw the related objects on the same piece of paper, or otherwise keep the drawings together, but make sure that each group can only see the last object drawn. Have the participants do this at least five times. Each group ends with the object they started with.

  2. Each group should receive their original piece of paper back and unfold it so that they can see all the objects people drew.

  3. Have the groups collaborate to create a story that links the objects together. Lead them to think about this by asking "What is the connection between these objects?" Have groups write a brief story using Etherpad or another collaborative document editing tool.

  4. Once the stories are written, have learners suggest ways a user could participate in the story. What kind of decisions could a user make to push the story further?

  5. Finally, have learners present their stories to the group. Have participants talk about their stories.


  • Pens
  • Post-its
  • Computer (optional)
  • Web Access (optional)
  • Etherpad (optional)


Discuss the process of the activity and talk about the idea that procedural storytelling is a way of designing stories so that they're different every time. How did the activity illustrate this idea?

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